Friendly Fill Ins Week 207-Oliver Opines

We finally got our Purrsonal Assistant motivated enough for us to purrticipate in the Friendly Fill-Ins. This is a wonderful blog hop hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs. If you don’t want to join the blog hop you can always meow about your answers in the comment section.. Here are the questions:
1. I just finished _______________________________
2. I am hoping to start ______________________________.
3. _________ is my idea of success.
4. When I can’t sleep, I _________.

And here are my answers:
1. I just finished a “fetch” training with The Female Human

2. I am hoping to start spending some time outside when the weather warms up and extend the “paw of friendship” to our neighborhood squirrel.

3. Hauling my rotund little self on top of the dryer to get to the kibble is my idea of success.

4. When I can’t sleep I……Oh forget it, I never have a problem sleeping, I’m a cat!

Jasmine Opines on Thankful Thursday

Hello Furiends,
I’m so thankful that I am feeling great and being the little Diva I am known to be. My kidney numbers were lower than when I was first diagnosed almost two years ago, The Female Human got me this pawsome cat tree and I’ve been running around like a crazy kitty and making it to the very top. It’s also a great place to watch squirrel fights or deer trying to figure out how to get in the garden.

I hope your Thursday is purrfectly wonderful and that you have a lot to be thankful for.

Purrs & Head Bonks,

The Felines Opine About The Pawscoo Cat Tree

Before we begin our review, there are some things our attorney’s insist we say.
Disclaimer: We were provided with a free product in return for our honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are our own and are not influenced by the Pawscoo Cat Tree company, it’s affiliates and/or agents in any way.

We are pleased to announce that this product review was awarded a Certificate of Excellence and a Muse Medallion by the Cat Writer’s Association for the category, “Written Article, Product Review”

Alberto Opines

The Female Human got a HUGE box delivered to our house and of course, I had to snoopervise when she took all the items out. Once she had everything out of the box she took the pieces into the office where I continued my job as Chief Inspector and Snoopervisor. She sat on the floor and read out of a booklet she got with the box, mumbling to herself and putting all the pieces in an order that seemed to make sense to her.

Now let me tell you that our Female Human is not the greatest “put stuff together from instructions” kind of human. Still, I was impressed when she got what we now figured out to be a device just for kitties together in record time. She assembled it next to our existing cat tree. You will notice that she had two little problems. The first was figuring out how to get the round thingy attached (it’s on the left on the last shelf of our current cat tree). She made numerous attempts and she finally gave up. She also couldn’t figure out what the white piece of fabric was for. Still, considering her terrible record for putting stuff together, I’d say she did pretty well. I very much enjoyed the round furry toy hanging down (more on that later)

The Female Human left this new cat tree in the office for a while to see how all of us felines would react to it. Oliver and Lily weren’t that interested. This isn’t unusual for Ollie as he prefers not to haul his rotund little body up any vertical spaces. Lily did inspect it and hung out on the soft ledges.

As you can see, I made a beeline for that furry hanging ball. The Female Human left the office for a moment and when she returned, I’d already chewed through the cord that held the furry ball. Full disclosure here, I am a chewer and there are many things off limits to me. I just couldn’t control myself and, I am sorry to say, none of the other felines had a chance to play with the furry ball.

When the good folks at Pawscoo told The Human to pick out the product she wanted, she chose what seemed to be the sturdies one. This is because my brother and I are rather …uh,, large. I’m pushing 17 pounds (but, in my defense I am also very long). My brother is 20 pounds and he is just round (yes, our Human is working on his weight and she worries about it so please, no fat shaming). Despite the fact that we did get the 62″ large cat tree tower condo, it still shakes a bit when I run up and down it but it is sturdy and safe.

This is the cat tree we got. Aside from the fact that The Female Human couldn’t figure out how to get the round thing on, the rest looks like the photo. The shelves are so soft and comfy and there’s that pawsome rope stuff all over where we can sharpen our claws.

The Female Human left the new cat tree in the office for a while and then she decided she’d move it to the place where Jasmine lives now. (Jasmine was bullied and is now too fearful to come out into the rest of the house no matter how hard The Human tries to get her to re-integrate.) She felt that Jasmine might enjoy some environment enrichment and, since I come and visit I still could enjoy the new cat tree.

Of course, being the exceptionally helpful feline that I am, I had to show Jasmine how the cat tree works.

Speaking about my size as it relates to the cat tree. If I want to hang out on the lower shelf I often reach my paw out to the steamer trunk at the foot of the bed to steady myself.

No worries, just steadying myself a bit.

Jasmine opines about the new cat tree

Hello furineds, You can imagine that I was a bit bamboozled when The Female Human hauled this big thing with shelves into my hideaway. I sat for a while and watched Alberto frolicking on it but I preferred to explore it on my own. After The Human and Alberto left me alone I checked this intriguing thing out. I first tried out the place where I could hide from The Human and, since I’m so tiny I can make myself invisible in there!

Alberto was right. If I scoot all the way in the back The Female Human can’t get me to give me fluids!

It only took one day for me to figure out what a wonderful thing this cat tree is. I’m getting a bit of exercise and love getting on the top. I can sit on the soft furry ledges and watch the deer, racoons, squirrels and neighbor cats from my vantage point. Meowza I love this thing!

A note from The Human

The felines have allowed me some space in this review to share my thoughts. I was very impressed with the style of this cat condo and with the ease with which it can be put together. Even though I couldn’t figure out how to attach the round piece it is still fantastic without it. The hanging ball toy was an early casualty of Alberto but he’s a chewer and this is not the fault of the manufacturer. Al will obsessively chew through anything that is stretchy or plastic. I have to watch him like a hawk.

Finally, I fully acknowledge that I have a couple of cats that are far heavier and larger than the norm. Alberto is so long he can stretch himself up to my waist and Olliver, well he’s just a tubby fellow. If Alberto with his length and weight can enjoy the codo so much and, if it holds up to his crazy runs and jumps it says a lot about this product.

The most delightful thing that happened as a result of doing this review was Jasmine’s reaction to it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this condo would do so much for my 17-year old sweetie (who has kidney disease but is doing well with treatment).. It is keeping her more active and she loves investigating the different levels and giving her the opportunity to have some window watching adventures.. The design of the condo allows it to fit nicely in the space, I believe Jasmine feels as though she is now the queen of the neighborhood. It makes my heart smile to see her enjoying the cat tree and condo and is a reminder that our “super senior” kitties need some fun and distraction too. This product is thoughtfully made and all the different “stations” provide fun for curious felines. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to review it, as are Alberto and Jasmine.

Jasmine, Queen of all she surveys.

Walk Through The Web Wednesday 12/4

siamese cat on a leash walking through a garden

Hi There Furiends,
I’m hoping we make it through this week without any technical difficulties. The Purrsonal Assistant is doped up on antibiotics but we asked Alexa (can’t Google without opposable thumbs) and we think the meds should not interfere with work, although Alexa kept trying to give us all sorts of useless information like “Meow is the sound a cat makes” and she even meowed back. I have no ideas why you humans are so crazy about these voice devices. When we can pry the Purrsonal Assistant away from her phone we might give SIRI a try.

It was a nice Thanksgiving although the Female Human went to another house and did not make the turkey and there was no turkey for us. She did redeem herself by giving us extra treats. As you can see below, Oliver and I were a bit lethargic in our regularly scheduled brofur wrestling match after eating so much.

Lily kept watch at the living room and dining room windows and alerted The Female Human to all our Thanksgiving day visitors.

Lily is on living room watch. What she usually sees there are raccoons, deer and the odd bear.
This is the forest moocher although there’s no food for her to steal in the forest. She does manage to come around, up the hill and munch on The Female Human’s cottage garden in the front yard.

We love to watch the little squirrel that frequents the upstairs bird feeder. We are told he is a pine squirrel and, despite his tiny size, he is FIERCE! He chases away the big fat “town squirrels” like an animal four times his size. We looked up information on these little guys. It appears that they are officially called Douglas’s Squirrel or Chickarees (around here the humans insist on calling them Pine Squirrels). They eat acorns, fruit, mushrooms, buds, and sap, and visit bird feeders for nuts. Their main diet is conifer seeds and they have plenty of those around our house. They’re bright, feisty and noisy. We can attest to the noisy part because if The Female Human is late filling the feeder good grief does he scream!

We hope you all had an excellent and animal-filled Thanksgiving and now on to this week’s notable feline news.

What are our feline expressions trying to tell you?

“You’ve got to be kitten me right meow!” -Oliver

There’s been a lot of meowing going on these days about you humans understanding what we felines are trying to convey to you. A recent study said that we also communicate with facial expressions.

Georgia Mason, a veterinary researcher and author of a study analyzing humans’ ability to understand cats has figured out the complexities of cats. “Anyone who writes cats off as sort of moody or distant is probably underestimating them,” said . Her work was published last month in the journal “Animal Welfare.” She says we felines are signaling things to you, it’s just subtle and you need to spend the time with us to figure out what the signals mean.

Mason and her colleagues were interested in gauging how accurately humans pick up on feline emotions written in their fuzzy little faces. They asked more than 6,000 participants to watch 20 context-free cat clips, collected via veterinarians or YouTube, and to decide whether the featured feline was experiencing a negative or positive emotion.

I’d love to say that the humans knocked it out of the park but sadly, correct responses were 11.85 out of 20.  Still, there were some humans in the group who were purrticularily connected to feline expressions.

The researchers concluded that it is the human/cat connection that is the key. If you spend time getting to know your cat, you understand their expressions.  Oh and another interesting note, female humans did better than male humans. Cat Daddy’s, you need to step up your game.

Sadly, we got to the end of the article and the researcher says that “data also show that cat owners are generally less bonded to their pets than dog owners — contributing to the sad outcome that, compared to dogs, cats are more likely to be neglected, abandoned and passed-over for adoption.”

I think this is a bunch of malarkey as we have furiends all over the internet whose humans are closely bonded to them. The researcher did redeem herself when she ended with this comment, ““We’re hoping [to conduct] more research to develop tools to help people read their cat better,” added Mason. “That would make living with a cat more rewarding.”

UK-based pet-whisperer gets all 17 of her pets to pose for a photo together

Now before you start meowing and saying, “Why is Alberto considering this newsworthy?”, I must remind you that the feat this human accomplished is not only noteworthy it is a clear violation of “Cat Code”. If you are not furmiliar with this part of the code it reads, “When a human advances toward a feline to take a photo, said feline must remain still until right before the photo is taken and then race out of the frame.”

In fairness, it did take this human who lives in Wales, several weeks to get the shot. This dear lady rescues animals (which is how she ended up with such a big tribe that also includes four parakeets, several fish and a baby hedgehog).

What magic did she use to get this shot? First she used treats for the dogs to get them to pose. She said the dogs were easy, they will always pose for treats. And then there were the cats.

Getting the nine felines to pose required that she rush back and forth with the camera at the ready to retrieve the less than enthusiastic felines who broke ranks and sauntered out of the frame (purrfect Cat Code behavior). She then put them back in place-again and again.  The lady stated, “I now know the real meaning behind herding cats,”  But she persevered finally, after two weeks she got this amazing shot.  Hmmmm, I wonder if The Female Human will attempt to get all five of us in one shot.

Staff Sgt. Dan Brissey able to bring Sully and her only surviving sibling back from Afghanistan

Because of a surplus of funds raised after this story was posted, Staff Sgt. Dan Brissey was able to adopt Sully’s only surviving sibling, shown here. Both Sully — and her yet-to-be-named sister — will be making their home in the United States. Sully will be leaving Afghanistan in early January, but it is unclear if her sister will be traveling with her or at a later date.

Staff Sgt. Dan Brissey, on his fifth tour overseas and his third trip to Afghanistan, has raised more than the required $3,000 to bring the feline he rescued  and her sibling to the United States. Brissey found Sully while she was sunning herself in the crook of a concrete blast wall on his way back from getting fuel. Even though he is allergic to cats, Sully, one of a litter of four, bonded with him immediately.  It was love at first meow.

Brissey serves with the Maryland National Guard and said his mind was blown when he realized how much money had been raised through Nowzad, the Afghanistan animal rescue through Facebook donations.  Nowzad’s mission is to relieve the suffering of animals in Afghanistan and to provide and maintain rescue, rehabilitation and education facilities. A representative from Nowzad said the extra money raised will go toward the transportation costs of getting Sully to the United States. Anything beyond that will be used for the Nowzad shelter and clinic where Sully was spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.  And, since enough funds were raised after this article was written there is enough to get Sully’s sister to her new home as well. Nowzad is the only official animal shelter in Afghanistan, and it is home to more than 130 dogs, 40 cats and seven donkeys.

Our Purrsonal assistant got a bit teary eyed when she read this comment by Sgt. Brissey, ““It makes the deployment days a little better when you have a furry little buddy to spend some time with,”

Cat’s Bike Ride Tweet Goes Viral

You never know what the next viral feline tweet or social media sensation will be. This week it’s a cat in New Delhi . A Twitter user posted a picture of a cat riding on a motorcycle, looking chill and quite at home. The tweet attracted a myriad of comments. Some lauded the calm feline and said that cats also want formal educati0ns and posted a pic of a cat in the University of Mumbai. Others expressed concern for the cat’s safety (this was our Female Human’s reaction). Some were even angry tweeting, “Should have tagged Mumbai Police and PETA for No helmet’, endangering the safety of an animal….”. We just hope the human bike rider gets a clue and puts a basket on the back for feline safety.

Palmerston the cat back at U.K. Foreign Office after time off for stress

Palmerston explores his new workplace in 2016 (photo courtesy of AP)

I have reported on the purrlitical felines in London and Palmerston, the Uk Foreign Office’s “Chief Mouser”. He disappeared from the spotlight earlier this year and there was great concern about his health and wellbeing.

Finally, a tweet appeared at @DiploMog Twitter profile, announcing his return to frontline duties. Working cats are no different than working humans and sometimes the pressure requires a little R & R. Sir Simon McDonald, the permanent Under Secretary and head of the Diplomatic Service at the Foreign Office, stated this week,  “It was no longer an environment that was working for him.  He was over-grooming on his front legs, a sign of stress.”

Palmerston, named after Britain’s longest-serving foreign secretary, was moved on vet’s advice to the home of one of McDonald’s staff in July.

“During his summer holiday, Cabinet ministers, colleagues and overseas visitors have asked me anxiously about his whereabouts,” McDonald wrote. “The good news is that Palmerston is coming back this week. But we must remember why he needed a break, and change our behavior towards him. He is happy, healthy and full of energy. His pelt is glossy and mostly grown back. We need now to keep him that way.”

The @DiploMog Twitter feed set out new rules for Foreign Office staff when the animal returns to active duty.

Dubbed the “Palmerston Protocols,” Palmerston’s posts said they were “designed to ensure my welfare and happiness.” Evidently the size of the building of Palmerston’s workplace was difficult for him to maintain, adding to his stress. He’s been given a more manageable zone and it was noted that Palmerston should be allowed to choose whether he wants to interact with staff.

In other words humans, keep your paws off Palmerston unless he invites you over for a petting session. Staff  have also been advised not to wake him when sleeping and that Palmerston has “full choice and control of who he deigns to greet or imperiously ignores.”

The Twitter feeds of other government cats lit up with welcome back messages to Palmerston.  And humans tweeted  “good to see you back:  messages as well.

The Tribe of Five is calling a meeting to set some ground rules for our workspace. I don’t believe The Female Human takes our job stress seriously enough.

Walk Through The Web Wednesday 7/10

siamese cat on a leash walking through a garden

Hello Furiends,
Alberto here. I sure hope your summer is going better than ours! Our main staff and General Lackey ended up in the emergency room on July 4th with a newly diagnosed ulcer. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m as sympathetic as the next feline but I did have to ask myself, “How does this affect me?”


KD the (gasp) dog at our house waiting for the squirrel to come to the upstairs deck.

In addition, we have some human furiends staying at our house who have a …get ready for it…DOG! The Tribe has never seen a dog and worse, never heard a dog bark! I have demanded access to the bedroom at night. Oliver spends his time hiding under the table in the living room and Lily runs around with her big eyes even bigger.








This is Tucker at the vet. The meds made him pretty woozy.

Tucker could care less but that might be due to the fact that the medication he was on zonked him out so bad he couldn’t walk without stumbling. This resulted in an emergency visit to the vet on Sunday (fortunately our place with the white coats, Pend Oreille Veterinary Service is open 7 days a week (at least fortunately in this case but not so great that The Female Human can now drag us there any day of the week!). He was so out of it The Female Human didn’t even have to put him in the carrier. She just wrapped him in a beach towel.

The vets take care of the Tribe very well and even though it took the poor guy  a few days to recover he’s now on new meds and back to his sassy, treat-begging self.

Remember how I had to apologize on The Female Human’s behalf last Wednesday? Well, she’s still behind but working hard to catch up. We are giving her a bit of a break as long as she promises to respond to all our correspondence for us by the end of the week.

Okay, enough about us, let’s get to this week’s web wanderings!

11 Facts About Hemmingway’s Cats

Ernest Hemingway

I had to ask The Female Human, “Who is this Hemmingway person and what’s the deal about his cats?” She said the short version of the story is that Ernest Hemingway was given a white six-toed cat by a ship’s captain . Now many of the cats who live at his home (which is now a museum) are descendants of that original cat, named Snow White. Now all the cats at the museum are polydactyl.  Hemmingway  named all of his cats after famous people and the museum follows that tradition today.

There’s lots of interesting information about these felines. As I mentioned they are all 6-toed, they survived hurricane Irma, one of the cats was “jailed” and a federal complaint was filed against them. For more information on these facts and the other 7 facts, you’ll have to read the article.

Gatos and Beans, Alabama’s 1st cat café, opening August 1


I love reporting on cat cafes, especially when they have something unusual to offer. This cafe has amazing feline art like the mural in the photo above. Gatos and Beans will be a combo adoption center, cat therapy place for people who can’t have cats at home, and a café / bar for humans. ‘Sounds absolutely purrfect to me.

Gatos and Beans is a family affair: The Steward family,Kelli, Stephen and Stephen’s two sons are the owners. Kelli has worked at a local veterinary clinic for more than 20 years and was looking for a new animal related endeavor. In November 2018, they won second place in REV Birmingham‘s The Big Pitch Competition, and since then, they haven’t looked back.

Gatos and Beans will operate like most of the 99 or 100 other cat café’s in the country. You will buy a ticket for coffee and time with the fabulous felines. And if you want more, you’re always welcome to upgrade to get a fancy coffee drink, beer, wine, or a snack. If you live in the area you can get your pre-opening offer now, or keep checking their website to see when they open reservations.

Catcam videos reveal cats don’t sleep all day


Tucker is very serious about nap time.

This one is filed under my “Duh! Why did you humans spend time and money on studying this?”

Maren Huck, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Derby, in the United Kingdom, recruited 21 English felines and put cameras on them.  Of the 21, 16 tolerated the Oreo-sized cameras enough to count as participants in this project.

This human felt that  cats #1 activity is sleeping. This was not what her study proved.  Huck said,their top activity actually was “resting” – not sleeping, and the study showed that another preferred pastime was “exploring,” which Huck said amounts to “sniffing at plants or things.” There’s a whole lot more stuff in this article but I ask you humans, did you really need to spend the time and money for this?

Liam Gallagher assures brother Noel that his cat is safe amid feud


Liam Gallagher holds his kitten Sid, which he adopted from Wood Green, The Animals Charity. Picture: Wood Green, The Animals Charity

I don’t follow human music but evidently this Liam Gallagher (the former Oasis frontman) and his brother Noel had a spat and he took the argument a bit too far when Liam involved the cat, suggesting his brother doesn’t even think about kidnapping the cat. ‘And don’t try and kidnap the cat either, we’ve just employed Ross Kemp as his close protection officer,’ he said. Liam quickly apologised, saying: ‘My sincere apologies to my beautiful mum and my lovely niece Anais for getting caught up in all of this childish behaviour, I love you both dearly LG x.’

He has also found himself in the position of responding to concerns regarding the cat. ‘Did you kidnap Noel’s cat?’ a fan tweeted. ‘Wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole,’ the singer responded. Well that settles that then. Like his brother, Liam is a devoted cat fan, and last year he gave a home to two unwanted felines, who were being looked after at The Animals Charity in London.

People, people, if you can’t get along, PLEASE  leave the cat out of it!


Artist designs tattoo sleeves for hairless cats to keep them warm in winter


Feline fashion is a “thing”. I purrsonally know a fabulous feline fashionista, Coco the Couture Cat, but this is a new kind of feline fashion. Artist and animal fashion designer, Airie McCready, has tapped into a niche market with her inspired invention Tattcats. The sheer jumpers are made with a soft material that’s good for the cat’s skin, and are designed to look like a sleeve of tattoos to keep your hairless cat warm this winter. “These cats get cold because they don’t have any fur,” McCready said. So now my hairless feline friends can stay warm and comfy and look edgy too. Rock on my furiends, rock on!

Walk Through The Web Wednesday 5/1

siamese cat on a leash walking through a garden

Hello There Furiends,
That saying you humans like to meow about that “April showers bring May flowers” is proving to be true. There are tulips beginning to pop up in the garden and there should be some nice color if the deer don’t eat them first.

final-20Oliver tried to convince me that he sat in our felted bed this way because it was getting too warm to sleep inside it. I told Oliver I thought his expanding girth was proving to be too much to fit into the bed. Oliver was not amused.




I hope you enjoy my web wanderings this week.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Siamese cat with blue eyes

Swedish Digital Vet Is Going After the UK’s Cats (and Dogs)


Oliver and one of our favorite vets, Dr. Christina Ponsness at Pend Oreille Veterinary Service

A Swedish digtal vet clinic, First Vet is launching in the UK. The company offers video appointments  between 20-30UK ($26.00-$39.00) where the average vet visit is about 60UK ($78.00)

So, not only do the humans get to save some money but the felines are relieved of the stress of being shoved in a carrier and taken in the moving metal machine to the place of the stabby people.

First Vet’s study of their business in Sweden has found that roughly half of all cases that result in a visit to the vet could be taken care of by a remote consultation.

This sounds pretty good to me, what do my feline and human furiends think about this?

CatCon Partners With Cats Of Instagram To Celebrate The Internet’s Greatest Cat Videos


Have you watched Oliver’s film,, “Bring Me My Catpuccino!”

CatCon, “the ComicCon for cat people” has joined with Instagram’s to showcase most-followed cat accounts to celebrate the internet’s greatest cat videos.

If you and your humans are lucky enough to get to Cat Con at  the  Pasadena Convention Center in California, you can mingle with 62,000 other international feline fans.

The Cats Of Instagram account — which has 10.3 million followers and features a running tab of adorable cat pics and videos — will be hosting the inaugural CatCon Video Festival. And all my furiends can submit their own videos (we submitted two of ours, “Bring Me My Catpuccino” and “You Never Walk Alone”.   A grand prize winner will receive a $500 gift card.

“Cats of Instagram has been part of CatCon since the beginning in 2015, and it made purr-fect sense to up the ante this year and partner with them on CatCon Video Fest,” CatCon creator Susan Michals said in a statement. “Together we plan to bring the audience at CatCon 2019 the best vids from across the country, IRL on the big screen.” Meow, sure wish we could go there!

Teen cat whisperer recognized for clocking nearly 1,900 hours of dedication to feline friends


The next time you humans start meowing about how bad kids are today, you need to remember 15-year old Blake Austin. Blake has clocked nearly 1,900 hours of playtime with the felines at the Brunswick Midcoast Humane society. She also fosters kittens. Her dad has a severe cat allergy so she never got to have a cat when she was growing up until her father realized how much cats meant to her and made her a “cats only” room. Blake’s love of cats and her tireless devotion to the felines at her shelter has garnered her much notice and she even received a $10,000.00 gift. Meowza, being nice to kitties pays off-literally!

Cat adopts four orphaned squirrels


This one’s for all you may-saying humans who think we felines don’t have a heart.. Pusha, the cat who lives in a park in Bakhchisaray, Crimea. She came across four young squirrels who’d lost their parents, and rather ignoring them or attacking them, she took care of them and even let the squirrels drink her milk as if they were her own kittens.

The squirrels seem quite happy with this family arrangement. Pusha treats them like her own, cleaning them and giving them a gentle nudge when they’re misbehaving.

Brace yourselves, cat lovers. Meow DC is a new festival for feline fanatics.


Coco the Couture Cat letting her love child side out at Blogpaws 2016.

Emily Miller, director of special events for the Humane Rescue Alliance, decided to create Meow DC, an annual festival for feline fanatics —where ticket proceeds will go toward the alliance’s mission of helping homeless pets.

“Meow DC is a place for cat people to get together and celebrate all things cat.”

More than 100 adoptable cats were brought to the Dock 5 parking lot because the venue doesn’t allow cats indoors. The specialized RVs had big windows that allow people to see the cats from outside.

Booths just outside the venue’s entrance will house Meow DC’s two celebrity cats — Sunglass Cat and Coco the Couture Cat. An Instagram star with over half a million followers, Sunglass Cat will be taking pictures with fans for $15, which will go to the alliance. Coco, a Cornish Rex who gets around in a pink “Catillac,” will be paw-tographing copies of the book “The Adventures of Coco le Chat: The World’s Most Fashionable Feline.” (Note, The Female Human has met Coco the Couture Cat many times and will see her and her human again at the Cat Writer’s Association conference.)

There were events for kiddos who love cats and lots of vendors who offered purrfect feline products.




Oliver Opines On The Coming New Year-Friendly Fill Ins #137

Hello Furiends!
Can you believe it, another year almost finished! Our Purrsonal Assistant has been working hard to get all our writing, photos, etc. finished and published by the end of the year and then enter them in the Cat Writer’s Association contest categories. This has put a bit of a crimp in our regular blogging schedule but I have to admit, she has been working hard.

The Friendly Fill Ins is a blog hop. You can hop on over to the host’s sites, either 15andMeowing or Four-Legged Furballs and link to your answers or you are welcome to opine on your answers in the comments here.

The Tribe of Five wish you a festive feline New Year and we are grateful for all our readers and supporters. You are all the cat’s meow!
Purrs & Head Bonks,

black and white cat Oliver

This week’s Fill in Questions:

1. On New Year’s Eve, I __________________. 

2. A goal that I have for 2019 is ________________. 

3. If I had to choose a guide word for 2019, it would be _________.

4. New beginnings _________.

My Fill in Answers:

1. On New Year’s Eve, I plan to continue my normal routine of doing as little as possible.

“Oh the hard life of a feline.” -Oliver

2. A goal that I have for 2019 is to be as stealthy as I can when watching the wildlife on the upstairs deck.

3. If I had to choose a guide word for 2019, it would be cherish.

“Cherish all the two-legged and four-legged people in your life and and apurriciate them!” -Oliver

4. New beginnings can be scary but also exciting.

“Praying that all your new beginnings in 2019 are wonderful.” Oliver, The Tribe of Five & The Female Human

Alberto Opines on the Tour de France

Mainzer cats in bike race

Hello Furiends,
Alberto here. I am feeling the need to opine about this thing you humans call the “Tour de France” because it’s kind of  a big deal around our house, especially with the Male Human. He gets up , feeds the Tribe and manages to get to the place he calls “work” to watch the Tour by 5:00am. Now this early schedule is of no consequence to me as I’ve had my breakfast and morning head scratch and I know there will be more petting after my early morning nap when the Female Human finally appears from the bedroom.

Tour de France 2018You may be asking, “Why is the Male Human so crazy about this ‘Tour de France’ thingy”? I think it’s because he likes to hop on his metal machine with the two skinny wheels and torture himself frequently, like those Tour humans. I find this kind of exertion baffling and so does the Female Human. She has her own metal machine with not so skinny wheels and a basket in the front. She has floated the idea of putting one of us in the basket but her lack of coordination and tepid attitude toward her own machine has me less than enthusiastic about the prospect, especially since she has been known to run into parked cars and mailboxes.

My Connection

img_1787But I digress. I have some interest in the Tour de France because I am named after a famous Tour de France rider (now retired) named Alberto Contador.  I am sure you can see the resemblance., he’s a lean mean biking machine and I am a lean, mean feline machine!  I must say however, I am a bit dismayed by my namesake’s comment upon his retirement, he said, “I’ll gain weight and you’ll make jokes about it.”  I want to say “Alberto, don’t let yourself go! Have you seen my brother Oliver?! ” I’m happy to report he’s kept his lean physique so far. If you want to learn more about Alberto (the human) you can watch this video on Youtube, The Best of Alberto Contador. If you want to know more about Alberto, the feline, just subscribe to our blog.


Alberto’s Fun Facts About The Tour

  • Those pedaling humans use a lot of water, more than 42,000 water bottles will be used this year.(I wonder what size litter box they need for so much water drinking)
  • The average cyclist will burn around 4,000-5,000 calories during each stage of the Tour (about 123,900 for the race). That translates into eating 252 McDonald’s double cheeseburgers. (Note to the Female Human, you may want to consider a little more peddling on your metal machine!)
  • There are 3.5 million watching the Tour de France on television around the world. (I’ve watched a little of it on our big black box, it’s definitely not as fun as watching birds and squirrels on the upstairs balcony).
  • The first winner of the Tour de France was Maurice Garin. He won in 1904 but was later disqualified for cheating after he was caught taking a train in the Alps. (This feline says “kudos” to him for his ingenuity!)


Still Not Sure…

Fat Ronaldo soccer player
Although I will respect the Male Human’s obsession with this Tour de France thingy I still don’t get it. From this feline’s point of view it’s far too much work  for too little reward. I will say though that it’s pretty cool being named after a famous cyclist and much better than being named after say,  the soccer player “Fat Ronaldo”!


Oliver Opines on Purresidents and Other Stuff on Friendly Fill Ins Week 94

Hello Folks,
Oliver here. I’m filling in the “fill ins” this week because I have some pretty strong opinions on some of this stuff.

You can join the fun by going to our friends at McGuffy’s Reader or with our friends, and Friendly Fill Ins Co-Hosts, 15andmeowing.  And, as always, feel free to leave your fill in thoughts as a comment in this post.

Purrs & Head Bonks,
black and white cat Oliver

This Week’s Fill In Questions:

1. My favorite president is ________________ because ___________________.

2. This weekend, I have plans to ______________________.
3. I            my               .

4. I believe                    .

My Fill In Responses:

1. My favorite president is the one who was not elected and that would be me because I think it’s time for this country to take a look at things from a feline point of view!

OllieOliveBtnThis feline ran for Purresident with my pawsome running mate, Olive from Three Chatty Cats. We had an excellent platform and I think this country would benefit from some feline wisdom! You can read about our platform and other information (as well as my concession speech) here. 






2.This weekend I have plans to do absolutely nothing. I am a cat, the only plans I make are for meal times and purrhaps, if I’m feeling frisky, some play time.  My “do nothing” plan will be purrfect if I can convince The Male Human to “do nothing” with me.







3.I quite enjoy  my job as shower snoopervisor (with my brother Alberto). Although I must say, Alberto is a bit wacky. He loves water, even gets in the shower with The Male Human. I guess that’s why The Female Human is training him to go kayaking with her!






begging squirrel



4.I believe that the fat “town squirrel” who tries to muscle our little pine squirrel away from the bird feeder should be a little less demanding and a little more thankful. If the feeder is empty, he stands on the railing of the upstairs deck and gives The Female Human attitude. The raccoons are far more polite and grateful.



Friendly Fill Ins, Week 88


Jasmine Here,
Welcome friends. I’m excited that I get to do the Friday Fill Ins this week. It’s been snowy and cold at our house. Thank goodness the humans provide wheat grass for us to nibble on and to add a bit of color in this white world.

As always, if you are a blogger, we encourage you to go to McGuffy’s Reader and join the Fill Ins blog hop or, feel free to do the fill ins in the comments of this blog. Have a purrrfect Friday (I love the weekends as the humans don’t have to go to that place they call “work” and they spend lots of time with us.)

Purrs & Head Bonks,
Jasmine (The Tribe of Five Diva)

Siamese cat with tiara

begging squirrel



1. I would like to ask the big fat squirrel who mooches off of us at the upstairs bird feeder why he has such an attitude if the bird seed is all gone? (Take a look at this photo, what an attitude!)





2 My favorite fast food restaurant is any place that serves pizza. All of the Tribe of Five love a nice lick of pizza sauce. 



3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be wherever David Teie is playing his Music for Cats  The female human bought us some of his music and we loved it. You can read about us opining about it on our website . When we go to the place with white coats, they have nice cat music too. Music is good for kitties. 


4. My Winter pastime is usually sitting at the window and checking out the creatures who come by looking for food because what happens outside our windows is like cable TV.