Thankful Thursday

The Tribe has joined  Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


“I’m thankful for catnip infused paper bags.”


“I’m thankful for naps.”


“I’m thankful for wheat grass”


I’m thankful for my cat tree and the great view of the woods.”

Jasmine Opines on Thankful Thursday

Hello Furiends,
I’m so thankful that I am feeling great and being the little Diva I am known to be. My kidney numbers were lower than when I was first diagnosed almost two years ago, The Female Human got me this pawsome cat tree and I’ve been running around like a crazy kitty and making it to the very top. It’s also a great place to watch squirrel fights or deer trying to figure out how to get in the garden.

I hope your Thursday is purrfectly wonderful and that you have a lot to be thankful for.

Purrs & Head Bonks,

Thankful Thursday

It was a hard day for our Human as she sat at the computer, typing and crying. We felines were concerned (she’s done quite a bit of the leaky-eyed thing in the last two weeks.). She told us they were happy tears we were quite confused. Evidently humans get leaky eyes when they’re happy and sad. Weird!

This is the first day she could read all the wonderful condolence messages from all of you and send responses (she’s still working on it) and we are all so thankful for the wonderful, loving, understanding and compassionate furiends we have.

She’s getting back to her old self (thank goodness because she was a bit of a Debbie Downer-no offense meant to anyone named Debbie) so THANK YOU ALL for your messages.