Oliver Opines on Dangerous Places and other Feline Stuff on Friendly Fill ins #123

Hi There Furiends,
Oliver here. I’m answering this week’s fill ins. I hope you are all well and safe and enjoying a lovely fall, even if it’s from the window sill inside the house (one of my favorite spots). I invite you to join this blog hop hosted by 15andmeowing and  Four-Legged Furballs. If you would prefer to opine about your answers in our comment section, please feel free to do so.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
black and white cat Oliver

This week’s questions:

1. The last time I ____________was ____________________.
2. __________________isn’t ___________________.
3. _________ is a blessing in disguise.
4. My favorite word is _________.

My Answers:

1. The last time I faced danger (danger of falling down the stairswas just the other day.  I was once in this dangerous situation when I was just a little guy. You can read about it here.
2. My felted wool bed isn’t fitting as well as it used to. Hmm, it must have shrunk!
3. Having glass between me and the great outdoors is a blessing in disguise.

4. My favorite word is “Walk!”

Lily Opines on Friendly Fill Ins 7/27

Hi There Furiends,
Lily here. It’s my turn to opine on the Friday Fill ins. The Female Human (also referred to img_4850as our “purrsonal assistant”) asked me to send her apologies in not transcribing our responses to your comments on our blog this week. Jasmine had to go to  emergency in the place of the white coats Saturday night and only came home Wednesday. She’s been on a special diet, antibiotics and pain killers for a few days and is finally beginning to feel better but the Female Human has been playing “nurse”.  This is Jasmine a few days ago, she’s looking much better now and beginning to act like her old diva self.

Things are getting back to normal and we’ll be having our assistant transcribing our responses soon! As always, you can hop on over to the hosts of this blog hop at 15andmeowing or Four-Legged Furballs. And of course, you are always welcome to opine about  your fill in answers in the comment section of this post.
Purrs & Head Bonks,

This Week’s Fill Ins

1. I deserve a gold star for _________________ today.

2. Right now, I am loving _____________.

3. The best advice I’ve ever been given is _________.

4. If I had to choose a new first name, it would be _________.

My Answers:

1. I deserve a gold star for not licking the butter the Female Human left out on the counter today. I eyed it for quite a while but I restrained myself.

I'm eyeing the butter but I've decided to be a good cat.


2. Right now, I am loving  the summer weather and sitting on the window ledge at the stairs watching the local wildlife come to our little waterfall to drink and take a bath.

3. The best advice I’ve ever been given is when you’re an adopted kitty, find another feline in the Tribe that can be your cuddle buddy. Tucker is my cuddle buddy.

4. If I had to choose a new first name, it would be Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty or Queen of the Universe, any of these would be acceptable .