Walk Through The Web Wednesday 6/26

siamese cat on a leash walking through a garden

Hello There Furiends,
Alberto here with my weekly web wanderings. Not too much to report from The Tribe this week. I can report that Lily and Tucker have been living on the edge lately.












Feline Chair is Purrfect


Once again our friends across the pond show their great love of felines. This chair is cat-specific and even comes with a cover that can be changed and washed in case it gets a bit furry. Now the people that wrote this article said that the chair would be a substitute for a human’s lap…clearly that writer does not know felines. At a price of 12.99GBP (about $16.48 US) the chair is a steal. I expect to see Moggies all over the British Isles lounging in one of these soon.

Good Grief! Step Away From The Washing Machine!


This is a cautionary tale for all my feline friends and their humans. Recently, a human who is in the habit of checking the laundry in her washing machine to make sure none of her three cats have crawled inside, thought she’d done her due diligence and hit the “wash” button.

Thirty five minutes later when the cycle was done she checked the washing and saw a white paw.

One year old Felix had found his way into the washer. She rushed him to her veterinary hospital. Poor guy had lost his vision and had pneumonia from the amount of water in his lungs, he did survive and is doing better now — he can see and has started eating. He’s still on oxygen. The vet has assured Felix’s human that Felix will make a full recovery but the human can’t forgive herself. People, check your laundry carefully! And thank goodness Felix will be okay.

Car Shows Are For Cats Too


Car shows are not just for humans, evidently they’re for cats too. Boost, the cat, has been attending car shows since she was a kitten and she’s now stealing the show wherever she goes. How do her humans know she enjoys these shows? Her human sayus, “I can dangle the keys and she’ll come running”.

And Boost is not the only feline at these car shows. You can often see Cal, a one year old Sphynx there too. Cal often wears costumes to the shows.

Lil BUB’s Birthday Party Has Us Feelin’ Feline


Lil Bub celebrates her birthday by doing good for homeless cats.

OK, full disclosure, when it comes to Lil Bub, I’m a fanboy. And my favorite feline starlet did not disappoint on her eighth birthday last weekend. She held a fund raiser at the Corey Helford Gallery in downtown Los Angeles for The Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats.   

Lil BUB had a meet & greet, with celebrities like Jackson Galaxy and Hannah Shaw. They had party games, a bounce house, a magic show, and, of course a birthday cake. Thank you Lil Bub for using your birthday to do good things for kitties who need furever homes.

The 25 Most Cat-Friendly Cities in the U.S.


Dear humans, if you’re planning a move to a new city, please purruse this list of cat-friendly cities before you make your plans.

The top 25 were selected by research into cities offered the most cat-centered services and which cities had the most cat-friendly homes available for purchase. Trupanion (a pet insurance company) and Redfin (a real estate brokerage) teamed up to research this list

Trupanion analyzed the cat-centered services — perks like cat clinics, shelters and hospitals — and took note of which cities were natural homes to plants that are toxic to felines. Redfin contributed to the analysis by looking at the number of cat-friendly homes — abodes with high ceilings, litter box space and patios — available in each of the cities.

The city that topped the list, based on these factors, was Corvallis, Oregon. I’ve included the full list below.

I am proud to say that the Spokane, WA, a city about two hours away from where The Tribe of Five lives is #2. I need to get The Female Human out and about in Spokane to see what’s going on!

1.   Corvallis, Oregon

2.   Spokane, Washington

3.   Orlando, Florida

4.   Bellingham, Washington

5.   Tulsa, Oklahoma

6.   Raleigh, North Carolina

7.   New York, New York

8.   Dayton, Ohio

9.   Clarksville, Tennessee

10.                San Antonio, Texas

11.                Albuquerque, New Mexico

12.                Eugene, Oregon

13.                Boston, Massachusetts

14.                Allentown, Pennslyvania

15.                Dover, Delaware

16.                Columbus, Ohio

17.                Boise, Idaho

18.                Louisville, Kentucky

19.                Tacoma, Washington

20.                Lincoln, Nebraska

21.                Portland, Oregon

22.                Minneapolis, Minnesota

23.                Knoxville, Tennessee

24.                Santa Rosa, California

25.                Oakland, California