Oliver Opines on All Things Christmas – Friendly Fill Ins Week #135

Hello Furiends,
We’ve missed the Friendly Fill Ins for the past few weeks. That nasty bug that our Purrsonal Assistant got hung on for quite a while and she wasn’t moving as fast as usual. She did manage to get our second book finished so I guess we can’t meow about her work purrformance too much!

This is a blog hop so you can hop on over to our furiends at 15andmeowing or 
Four-Legged Furballs who are the hosts of the hop and join in the fun. If you prefer, you can opine about your fill in answers in the comment section of this blog.

Purrs & Head Bonks,

black and white cat Oliver

Here are this week’s fill in questions:

1. I really need to ___________________.
2. My favorite Christmas ( or Hanukkah) decoration is __________________________.

3. It’s beginning to look a lot like _________.
4. This time of year, I eat my fair share of _________.

Here are my answers:

1. I really need to think about slimming down this year.

I’ll start my diet..right after the holidays. -Oliver

2. My favorite Christmas decoration is anything that is shiny, hangs down at paw length and that I can swat. Sadly, The Female Human has foiled our efforts however and doesn’t put up a tree. She decorates spaces far too high for us to reach. What a kill joy!

How’s a cat supposed to swat at those shiny things when they’re up so high?”

3. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, of course!

Where’s the snow? Shouldn’t there be snow by now?

4. This time of year, I eat my fair share of any of the delicious holiday treats I can get my paws on (ham is  my favorite and a little cream is always appreciated). Sigh, and this answer is in direct contradiction to my response to question #1.

Oh hello there, do I smell turkey in the oven?

Tucker Opines on Treats, Black Cats and Watching TV Alone.

Hi There Furiends,
Tucker here. I’ll be doing the fill-ins this week. The Friday Fill Ins are a wonderful blog hop and you can hop on over to the host’s blogs and enter. Just visit 15AndMeowing or Four-Legged Furballs  and add your fill in answers. Of course, you are always welcome to opine about your answers in our comment section.

Purrs & Head Bonks,

Here are this week’s fill ins:

1. _______________________ is an awful _______________________.

2.  I always read __________________________ sections of the newspaper.

3. Black cats _________.

4. _________ is my favorite treat.

Here are my answers:

1. Sitting by myself with no one to cuddle with when the Humans watch the moving picture box is an awful way to spend an evening!


2.  I always read zero sections of the newspaper. I have no idea what a newspaper is because our Humans are geeks and they get all their news on those flat tablet thingies that we play “Jitterbug” on.  The photo below is Alberto playing Jitterbug, I find the game a bit childish for an Alpha to play. 

3. Black cats are absolutely pawsome! Check out some of these amazing black cat photos.

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4. Any treat is my favorite treat. Some cats eat to live, I live to eat. Every night when The Female Human comes home, I seat myself at the counter awaiting my before dinner treat, followed by my after dinner treat.
