Walk Through the Web Wednesday 5/09


Hello My Furiends,
Alberto here with my weekly web wanderings. I hope you enjoy this week’s stories.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Siamese cat with blue eyes


Vintage Photos of Pampered Cats – National Geographic


If you think cat photos are a new phenomenon, think again. We felines have been admired and photographed for many years. One well known photographer, Willard Culver spent months in the abodes of some of the countries most wealthy folks, staging photos of their fabulous felines. The photos were featured in the November 1938 issue of National Geographic. I must say, we felines haven’t lost our beauty over the years. No wonder you humans are so fascinated with us!


Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails? – Gizmodo


Now, I don’t know if I would describe cats as “wagging their tails”, that’s more of a canine activity. I would prefer if the article would have been titled, “Why Do Cats Swish Their Tails Elegantly?”. But I digress.  I must give a two paws up to Gizmodo who sought out a number of cat specialists to answer this question. The short answer, our tails are our emotional barometers. If you want more specifics you definitely want to read the article.


7 Apps All Cat Owners Should Have – Bustle


Our Male and Female Humans are real geeks and often that benefits The Tribe of Five. When Oliver and I were kittens we had our own iPad to play kitty games with. But there are more uses for technology than just playing. There are first aid apps for felines, 11Pets that remind humans when they need to give their felines in residence medication and other important cat reminders, a cat clicker training app and of course, fun apps for kitties to play with (if you humans have your faces in your phones, maybe the felines should get a little phone time too!)

Dogs and Cats and Decorating – The NY Times


The Female Human is all about aesthetics (she even relegated our cat tree to the downstairs TV room) so she was thrilled when I showed her this article. I was less thrilled because of all the good advice and lovely photos there was no photo with a cat in it. So I had my purrsonal assistant do some further research and she found an excellent article from HGTV that was solely dedicated to felines (Purrfect Design Ideas Your Cat Will Love). This is also where the photo came from. So decorate away humans but remember, cat hair is a fashion assessory!

Seven Ways to TurnYour Partner Into A Cat Person – Bustle


This is a subject that The Female Human knows about! As soon as she and the Male Human got married she made sure he knew how much she wanted a cat. One day he finally looked at her and said, “Okay, we can get a cat but you have to clean the litter box!” She wrote all about this in her story, “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” in Chicken Soup for the Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat.” (I was surprised that you could get this book at Chewy.com!

There are some good tips if you are looking for ways to convince the folks who share your home that a feline is a good idea such as showing them how to interact with felines (maybe take them to a cat cafe), teach them things cats like and do not like (and remember, cats are different. I love water, the other cats in the Tribe, not so much). So start studying and get that feline into your home (and remember, adopt, don’t shop!)





Friendly Fill Ins Week # 92

Well Hello There,
Tucker here. I’m doing the fill ins this week. I hope you enjoy my answers. It’s always fun to read what others have to say so you can join the fill in blog hop at McGuffy’s Reader, respond to the fill-in questions at the co-host site with our furrends 15andmeowing or leave your answers in the comments on my posts. 
Purrs & Head Bonks,

Here are the Fill Ins for the Week: 

1. The Winter Olympics ____________________.

2. I think the most romantic movie (or book) is ___________________________.

3. Recently, I had an odd experience when                            .

4. I believe that love                           .


Here are my answers: 

1. The Winter Olympics should include an “If It Fits I Sits” event.

2. I think the most romantic movie  is A Street Cat Named Bob

3. Recently I had an odd experience when I discovered that The Female Human wrote a story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul called “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” and the story is about me and The Tribe of Five!

4. I believe that love is important for everyone, kitties, woodland creatures, humans and all of creation.

It Isn’t Christmas Without Catmas Carols!

tuckiesantahatwreathHello All and Meowry Christmas,
Tucker here. As the Alpha in the house, it is my job to ensure that tradition is maintained during the holidays as regards the  Tribe of Five.

The female human, many years ago, when she was dating the male human, purchased a book for the male human called “Catmas Carols”. It was her attempt to lure him into her feline loving world. It evidently worked because six months after they were married, they got a kitten (you can read the story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat). The story is called “All My Children Wear Fur Coats”. The female human told me to tell you the book makes a good Christmas gift. I am disgusted that the female human would have me shilling for her this way but she does give us much love and care so I guess I owe her a plug for the book.

Anyway, to get back to the Catmas Carols, this little book has wonderful Christmas songs and the female human serenades us every Christmas with these wonderful feline carols. It is a long-standing tradition and one we love so, I thought I’d share a few of these wonderful songs with you. Catmas Carols was written by Laurie Loughlin and illustrated by Mary Ross and, if you are still looking for a gift for your feline friends, I’d highly recommend it.

I’ve featured the cover and two of the wonderful Catmas tunes. Sing along with your feline friends (and if the canines want to join in, please share the spirit of the holiday and allow them to sing along without swatting them.)

Your Friend,




Alberto the Poster Boy

 Hello World,

Alberto here. Just wanted to let you know I was this Monday’s #MeowCrush  at Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food. #ChickenSoupPetFood

The other felines are a little miffed but I can’t help it if I’m handsome. It’s a burden being this attractive.

Your friend



BlogPaws Or Bust

Hello Humans,

   ‘Spent the afternoon in wardrobe posing with the female human. Evidently there is a big conference where all the crazy cat writers and all the dingy dog writers get together to learn new stuff. My human and I entered a contest to win airline tickets and registration to go to this pawty in Phoenix, AZ.

We had to use one of four backdrops and be creative. Whatcha’ think? Purrsonally, I think I rocked the bandana!

Here’s hoping we are on the way to making those 14,456,646 paw strides from Idaho to Arizona!

Your Pal,



Our Human Writes

Hello Humans and Felines,
AlOrdersBookAlberto here. ‘Just wanted to tell you that the book, Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat is officially launched today. The enthusiasm of our feline tribe is more than just the fact that any time a new cat book comes out is time for celebration. We are purrrrrrticularily excited because our human’s story, “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” is included in the book.

She spent the day today at a Twitter launch party. Oliver and I were pretty excited about this and thought we’d see a bunch of feathered creatures but all the human did was sit at her computer and “tweet”. Man, humans are strange.

But we do approve of the fact that the publisher is giving royalties from this book to the American Humane Association and our human will be having several book signings and all her proceeds will be donated to worthy pet charities.Book

So grab a copy of the book and read about all the fabulous felines (especially us!)

Your friend,