Oliver Opines on Sunshine, Dangerous Places and more

Happy Friday Furiends,
We’ve been celebrating #RememberMeThursday and have been quite busy spreading the world about adoption. Many of our online friends joined with us and it made me proud to see all their hard work.

If it’s Friday, you know it’s Friendly Fill In blog hop time #124 hosted by our furiends 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs. We invite you to join the blog hop or, if you prefer, you can opine about your fill ins in our comment section.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
black and white cat Oliver

This week’s Fill Ins:

1. A  ________________ will ___________________.
2. The best time of the day is __________________.
3. _________ is not my strong suit.

4. It’s all fun and games until _________.

My Answers:

1. A  good day will always be made better when you find your purrfect sun spot!

black and white ct sunning on the stairs
2. The best time of the day is when The Humans go to the pantry and get us food (that’s me in front of the pantry providing a gentle reminder that it’s feeding time.)

black and white cat laying in front of a pantry door

3. Patience is not my strong suit.

black and white cat in a kitchen sink

Hello! The water bowl is getting low!

4. It’s all fun and games until someone sits in the rocking chair.

black and white cat sitting under rocker

Whoa Human, don’t sit there!