Can We Talk About Swag?


“Can we talk about swag?” Alberto

When The Female Human goes to the Cat Writers Association Conference (#cwa25) she always comes home with stuff she refers to as swag. l asked her once, “What is this swag to which you refer?” And she said the original meaning of the term was “goods taken by a burglar”. Now I know The Female Human is honest and that she would not bring home stolen goods so I had to settle for the definition that says swag is stuff given to cat media professionals by generous sponsors.

And this year the sponsors were very generous. The Tribe of Five will be reporting on individual items but I wanted to give a shout out to @Cat Lady Box for putting something really cool in the bag for humans!


First, let me say that Cat Lady Box is a pawsome company. You sign up for one or more months and they send you AND your feline goodies. The Female Human went crazy over the human stuff on the website, here are two of her favorites, the Cat Squad hoodie and the cat umbrella, pretty cool huh?

Lest you think that this is a human only box, think again. There are so many cool feline things. The Tribe of Five had a hard time picking just two from the many goodies on their website to feature in this post. These two were the winners. The Teddy Bear rug for felines is purrfect for chilly winter evenings and the furry bunny catnip toy brings out the beast in us.

So what did The Female Human get from the  Cat Lady Box folks? Take a look, she’s driving around town letting her feline flag fly (and in the wilds of North Idaho where dogs rule, that’s quite a statement!)


Feline Fine in Idaho!

So “fangs a lot” to the good folks at Cat Lady Box for making The Female Human so happy.