Harry Chats!

Hello Furiends,
It’s that time of the week when we felines get on (or rather in) our soapboxes and let the world know what we’re thinking!

We are always looking for feline “chatters” for this feature. What gets your whiskers in a twist? Do you want to brag about your clowder or your human staff? We’d love to hear from you. Send us a photo and your thoughts and you could be chatting to! (FelineOpines@gmail.com)

Harry is our guest this week. He’s a member of the clowder at Debbie’s house where Hermione and Stripey live. Thanks for meowing for us Harry!

17 thoughts on “Harry Chats!

  1. Pingback: Feature Friday Film: Hear and Watch Harry, Hermione, and Stripey Speak | Sneaky The Library Cat's Blog

  2. harry; veree nice ta meet ewe dude; ewe bee one handsum houz panther…& yur rite ..black catz total lee rox !! 🙂 we gotta ask, how many ear budz haz ya chewed !!! round heer we like ta chew on cordz.. sew de food gurl had ta due a lot oh unpluggin oh lampz & stuff !!!

    happee week end two all 🙂 ♥♥


  3. Great to hear from you, Harry! We’re huge housepanther fans. Of course, we may be a little bit biased, since our Ava is one, as were her angel sisters, Gracie and Zoe. 🙂


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