Walk Through The Web Wednesday 3/18

siamese cat on a leash walking through a garden

Hello There Furiends,
Things have been pretty crazy in our neck of the woods and I’m sure your lives are a bit topsy turvy too. This virus thingy is a nightmare but fortunately, we’ve had our Purrsonal Assistant searching the web and I am happy to tell you that dogs and cats are not in danger of getting this nasty virus, but some of our humans are so take good care of them!

In addition to the virus panic we had quite a weekend. Toward the end of the week we had high wind warnings and snow warnings. Between the high winds and the blowing snow we felt like we lived in the frozen tundra.

This photo was taken after the wind storm, and what a storm it was! Trees blown over all around the county (many smashed into houses) and some smashed into other things like the pick up truck of our human aunt and uncle.

This gives new meaning to “firewood delivery”. Meowza!

And then there is the virus panic thingy. Humans are raiding the shelves of our grocery stores but thank goodness The Female Human sent in a big order to Chewy! Heaven forbid the treat supply runs low!

I did notice some reckless behavior by our woodland neighbors. As the self-proclaimed neighborhood snoopervisor I have been keeping track of the goings on. Imagine my dismay when I saw these neighbors gathering in a large group!

Clearly the neighbors are not following virus protocol! I made sure I had video proof in case I need to file a formal complaint!

Thank goodness I take my job seriously because there are some in the Tribe who are shirking their responsibility!

Hey Al, wake me up when this virus thingy panic is over, or when we’re running low on kibble!

I hope all my furiends are safe and healthy! Panic less, laugh more and for heaven’s sake use your felines as the purry little stress reducers we are!

And now, my weekly wanderings with the latest feline news!

The Naughty Cat Cafe Isn’t Naughty At All

Take a virtual tour of the cafe.

How could you call any cat café naughty when they’ve adopted out 298 cats in 266 days of business?? The St. Elmo’s Naughty Cat Café in Chattanooga,TN is celebrating it’s first year of business. How do they have such success at getting the felines there adopted?  The owner, Whitney Sickels says it’s the generosity and support of the community.

Not everyone who comes to the café adopts a cat but just come to enjoy some feline time. The café owner says that seeing cats in more of a home-like environment makes it easier for people to imagine the cats in their own homes.

Adoption fees are $50.00, all cats have been tested for FeLV/FIV, are spayed or neutered, current on all vaccinations including rabies, microchipped, current on flea/tick prevention and have been dewormed. 100% of the adoption fee goes back to the shelter where the cat is from. Now that’s a great deal!

Paws up for this great business who is doing such a great job of helping felines find their furever homes.

Coffee! Crafts! Cats!

Oh my whiskers, you humans can be so creative!

I’m always thrilled to see animal shelters and feline rescue organizations doing creative things and this is really creative. The humans do macramé and the felines benefit because the humans come home with a fantastic bed for us! All the humans had to do was bring an 18” square pillow and the other materials were included in the price.  The cost was $60.00 to take the bed home and $45.00 for those who donate the bed to the shelter. Great work Chesapeake Feline Association!

Mochi Couture Helps Every Feline Find Their Inner Fashionista

For all my fashionista feline friends it’s time to rejoice because Mochi Couture creates couture for felines only. No longer are you forced to shop in the doggie department, you can find an ensemble purrfectly suited for the feline physique.

Those of you who know me know how I feel about dressing up but I do have some very glamour puss friends who not only enjoy dressing up but they know how to rock fashion. And sometimes, putting clothes on us felines is good for us if we have skin issues, have had recent surgery or don’t have enough fur to keep ourselves warm. And since these items are designed to fit the feline body they are comfortable too. I have to say, after purrusing their clothing line I just might be purrsuaded to try a new look. The leather jacket and shades are pretty cool!

Genetic Markers Used To Find Lost Cats

I’m all for anything that helps lost kitties get home. Too many people see a cat and they think “stray” rather than “lost”.  We are great proponents of microchipping and this sounds like an excellent new tool to help cats get home. Researchers in South Korea have now developed a technology that uses genetic markers to find lost felines.

The Rural Development Administration (RDA) recently announced that these markers can distinguish cat species and verify familial relations through a process of scanning that is not invasive for the cat.  Now a lot of this stuff is a bit to sciency for this feline but I’m a fan of anything that can help get kitties back home.

Working At Home With Cats

Being a Snoopervisor is a tough job but someone has to do it.

I refuse to give in to or contribute to hysteria about the nasty virus thingy. I do acknowledge however that many of you humans are stuck in your homes for a while. Not only is this a new experience for you and your felines, many of you are learning some very interesting things about working from home with cats. I hope you enjoy this article and that you all stay healthy and that we will be done with this stuff soon!

11 thoughts on “Walk Through The Web Wednesday 3/18

    • Our Female Human would love to stay at home with us but if she did that, she’d have to close down her small business for good. She says a break sounds wonderful and The Tribe would enjoy some extra petting time!
      Purrs & Head Bonks,


  1. guyz…itz a good thing ya waz far a way frum de vishuz deer…one vizshuz deer is bad enuff, let a lone 38 !!!! we canna openz de link ta de cafe; we will triez frum nother dee vize…hope everee one stayz healtheez N happeez !! 🙂 ♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

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