Friendly Fill Ins, Week 88


Jasmine Here,
Welcome friends. I’m excited that I get to do the Friday Fill Ins this week. It’s been snowy and cold at our house. Thank goodness the humans provide wheat grass for us to nibble on and to add a bit of color in this white world.

As always, if you are a blogger, we encourage you to go to McGuffy’s Reader and join the Fill Ins blog hop or, feel free to do the fill ins in the comments of this blog. Have a purrrfect Friday (I love the weekends as the humans don’t have to go to that place they call “work” and they spend lots of time with us.)

Purrs & Head Bonks,
Jasmine (The Tribe of Five Diva)

Siamese cat with tiara

begging squirrel



1. I would like to ask the big fat squirrel who mooches off of us at the upstairs bird feeder why he has such an attitude if the bird seed is all gone? (Take a look at this photo, what an attitude!)





2 My favorite fast food restaurant is any place that serves pizza. All of the Tribe of Five love a nice lick of pizza sauce. 



3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be wherever David Teie is playing his Music for Cats  The female human bought us some of his music and we loved it. You can read about us opining about it on our website . When we go to the place with white coats, they have nice cat music too. Music is good for kitties. 


4. My Winter pastime is usually sitting at the window and checking out the creatures who come by looking for food because what happens outside our windows is like cable TV.  

10 thoughts on “Friendly Fill Ins, Week 88

  1. Me-ow Jasmine your so gorgeous. Loved your blog the squirrel was so funny. Then I checked out your website Music for cats it was great to see the video’s off you all.x😻💞🐾🐾🐾🐾


  2. You are beautiful Jasmine. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That squirrel does look like a mooch. Looks like you have a lot of wildlife out there. Have a nice weekend. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the compliment! Yes, we have quite a number of critters that come to our house. That squirrel is a bully. He tries to muscle out the little pine squirrels that come to the feeder but they’re pretty feisty. Never a dull moment at our house.
      Stay warm and safe! Purrs & Head Bonks,

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Jasmine, you’re lookin’ so purretty. And MeOW, that’s some kind’a grass ya’ got there. Ours doesn’t look nearly that good. We luv us a good pepperoni pizza too. We oughtta get together durin’ all this nasty cold stuffs and have a pizza pawrty. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    Liked by 1 person

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