Thankful for …Cuddle Buddies

3 cats sleeping on a sofa

Hello All,
Oliver here. The Tribe of Five have so much to be thankful for that I decided I’d jump on over to Brian’s Home and his Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful for cuddles. Our Tribe is made up of adopted kitties. The oldest, Alpha Tucker (he’s the one in the middle), his sister Jasmine, Lily and my brother Alberto and myself. You’ll never see a photo of all five of us snuggled together but I love this photo because it shows how well this diverse group of felines get along. Alberto and I are the newest Tribe members and we’re accepted and loved by all the other felines.

Cuddles are great and love, acceptance and adoption are even better!

Purrs & Head Bonks,

black and white cat Oliver

15 thoughts on “Thankful for …Cuddle Buddies

  1. Oliver, that is a very fine thing to be thankful for. Mr. M asked me to add that in his opinion, you should also be thankful that your tribe is all cats…. I suspect he thinks your management is much more discriminating than we are since only half our adoptees are cats.


      • Oliver, dear furiend, I am sorry to hear that your staff, er humans, have puppy mouths, too… At least Saphera is older than I am, so I expect to outlive her…. and possibly replace her with a ‘real’ tribe member. =^.^=

        Liked by 1 person

    • We think so too but that isn’t always the case, even in our tribe, there was a sad incident after the feline pecking order changed due to the death of our 18-year old alpha. Needless to say, we and the humans are very, very thankful for love and harmony!
      Purrs & Head Bonks,


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