Walk Through the Web Wednesday

siamese cat in black and white with blue eyes, Alberto, Feline Opines

Hello All,
Alberto here to introduce our first “Walk Through the Web Wednesday”. Each Wednesday one of the Tribe of Five will host this feature of feline news, photos, information and shenanigans that we like.

For our first segment I want to remark about National Black Cat Appreciation Day (which is today).

black cat, siamese cat, cat beds, sleeping in the sun

Buster & Jasmine

There was once a beautiful black cat in our tribe. I never met him, he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge four years ago but Tucker and Jasmine knew him and they still miss him. His name was Buster and they tell me Buster was an easy going, loving and handsome guy.

black cat, buster, siamese cat, tucker, cats sleeping on chair

Buster & Tucker napping together

I had my purrrsonal assistant dig out some photos in his honor. RIP Buster.Tucker, Jasmine and the humans still miss you very much.

If you want to know more about Buster, the female human wrote about him (and the rest of us) in her story , “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat. 



And now, (drumroll please) my favorite Walk Through the Web finds for the week.

Vacation Planning Tips for Cats from Fully Feline.
Don’t be confused, this is not an article for humans about how to stuff us in those carriers that you normally use to take us to the people in the white coats. This is an article about and for cats and how they can plan their vacations. (Yes, we may sleep all day but we still deserve a vacation). These tips come from The Devious Book for Cats: A Parody (however I find no parody there but only sound advice for my feline friends!)  I myself am planning my next vacation foray to a natural wonder, the guest room toilet.

LukeCats – About Cat’s and Photography
The human at LukeCats wrote the most beautiful piece to accompany and amazing black and white feline photo. I always applaud humans who understand our deep and delicate nature.

Pitties and Kitties at Three Chatty Cats
The Tribe of Five lives in a canine free environment but I’ve had discussions through the window with neighboring cats when they stroll by and many of them live with canines. I’ve heard talk about those “mean pit bulls” but have never met one. Three Chatty Cats wrote an article about a new foster-based rescue group located in Lee’s Summit, Missouri that focuses on pit bulls and cats. Now we felines get a bad rap because of our breeds (people have said to my humans, “Oh, a Siamese, don’t they yell a lot?”) so I am not disposed to dis any breed without knowing all the facts.

Coco the Couture Cat and National Cat Day

So, the female human came home from the #BlogPaws conference in Arizona and could not stop talking about a cat she met there named Coco, who had the most amazing outfits.

coco the couture cat, blogpaws conference

Coco the Couture Cat with her purrrrsonal assistant

Frankly, I was a bit weary of hearing about this cat, “She was so sweet, she never freaked out in a crowd. She let anyone pet her. She had the most amazing outfits…” blah, blah, blah. So, imagine my surprise (and shock) when, while scratching around for Walk Through the Web Wednesday listings, I found this blog post (which is admirable and important in it’s content ) but which features the couture feline sans clothing….not a stitch! I was flummoxed. The fanciest feline on the web without her trademark ensembles. I suppose appearing sans designer duds makes her a bit more approachable for the rest of the cat world who do not make it a habit of sporting fancy ensembles.

Well folks, that’s my Wednesday Walk Through the Web update for the week. If you have something you think the Tribe of Five would like to opine about on our Wednesday feature, leave us a comment and we’ll check it out. Who knows maybe you’ll be featured one of these days.

Your Friend,


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