19 thoughts on “July 23 is “Hot Enough For Ya'” Day

  1. I wondered why my cats were hanging around the refrigerator! They run in the kitchen whenever the refrigerator door is opened. Cats are so smart! We have had 100° weather four days in a row and have set a record. It has never happened here before for that length of time. Since we expect these high temperatures to last for a while I think that, when the cats sit at my feet in front of the refrigerator, that I will let the door be open until it beeps.

    When the cats are not in the kitchen Lady Charlotte sleeps in front of a big Dyson fan. She sleeps a lot because she is 18 years old. Linnet and Chaucer sleep on the tile floor in the downstairs loo. It is a very small room with a vent in the floor and it is freezing in there. They don’t mind because they have fur coats. They are nice and cool. The humans just shiver in there.

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  2. Alberto, you have the right idea! Our AC conked out this week, so we really felt the heat until it was fixed! Actually, we had some old window units we put in until it was fixed, but still, hot, hot, hot!

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    • We are spoiled here in our neck of the woods, we rarely get into the 90’s and if that happens it rarely lasts more than a week. But when it’s hot, we all are miserable. I also like to get in the shower and make The Human turn the water on for me!
      Purrs & Head Bonks,


  3. We’re having a cooler weekend than usual this weekend and we’re happy about that. It has been horrible hot. I remember opening the freezer or fridge to cool off too.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

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