Friendly Fill Ins Week # 93

Hello There, 
It’s Lily. I’m doing the friendly fill ins this week. I hope you enjoy my answers. You are always welcome to purrrticipate. Head on over to McGuffy’s Reader and join the blog hop. Post your comments with our friends and fill ins co-hosts at 15andmeowing or, feel free to leave your fill in info in the comments of my post. 
Purrs & Head Bonks,







Here are the blank fill ins for this week:

1. My Chinese zodiac animal sign is __________________.

2. My zodiac sign is ___________________.

3. Income tax season                    .

4. In hindsight                         .

Here are my answers: 

Siamese cat in Chinese costme
1.My Chinese zodiac animal sign is a cat, of course. Now if the truth be told, I have no idea about the zodiac, Chinese or otherwise but I did have The Female Human research it for me and imagine my dismay when she told me there is no year of the Cat in the Chinese Zodiac. There’s a year of the tiger and as much as I like tigers, I’m a cat. So, no Chinese zodiac animal sign for me but I’m digging the outfit!
2. My zodiac sign is Aries, I guess. I’m not much into this sign thing but I do know I was brought to the shelter in April when I was a kitten. I don’t remember when and The Female Human told me that what sign I am depends on when in April I was born. This is all a bit too confusing to me. I’m sure I’m not a bull, and I can fly pretty high when I jump up on the counter or the counter stools, so I’ll pick Aries. 
3. Income Tax season is a complete and total disaster for our humans. Every year The Female Human runs around like her hair’s on fire. I mean, if this thing happens every year, why does she get her whiskers in such a twist about it? Humans, go figure. I  suggest she take a feline approach to taxes and just chill.
4.In hindsight I should have NEVER allowed The Female Human to photograph me in that pink hat!

13 thoughts on “Friendly Fill Ins Week # 93

  1. Pingback: Friendly Fill Ins Week # 93 - Baptize A Cat?

  2. Lily you’re looking absolutely stunning in your Chinese costume and I do like your pink hat. I just love all your beautiful markings your so gorgeous.x hugs and Purrs.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lily – you are beautiful whatever you wear. Would you believe our humans don’t know our birthdays or gotcha days? They just made up dates for us. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty


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