The Three Feline Rules Regarding Furniture

Hello Friends,
Alberto here. The recent purchase of a sofa at our house brought up some misunderstandings between the felines and the humans in our home. It occurred to me that many of my feline readers may be experiencing some of these misunderstandings in their own homes so I decided to opine about this.

The female human announced the sofa was for her and our male human to “sit comfortably” and watch the big black moving picture thingy in the living room. What she failed to recognize is that there are feline rules regarding furniture and other areas of the home, for that matter.

Rule # 1 –What’s Yours is Ours

a living room with two sofas
The new sofa arrived and the female human snapped a photo after it was situated. Note that the fur protection,(blankets and throws are not in appearance yet. Funny how they always magically disappear when other humans come to visit).

We were quite happy to have this extra space to relax on and wasted no time checking it out.



Rule # 2 – Your Comfort is Of No Concern To Us

Siamese and Black and White cat sleeping togewtherWe immediately took possession of the new sofa (as well as the old one). We so enjoy the blankets the female human puts on them for our comfort. I am purrrticularly pleased with the long part of the new sofa as I like to stretch myself out as far as I can and this area accommodates me quite well. We are thrilled with the extra room we now have, each sofa accommodates two cats, much more comfy than our former,  cramped situation!

The female human is always griping about not File Apr 17, 3 50 37 PMhaving a comfy place to sit but since she’s always that last one home there is no spot for her. The male human, if he’s lucky, squeezes himself in on one side of the new couch and the female human is left with the chair. Now if any humans are reading this and wondering, “Why don’t they just move the cats?” you are obviously not owned by felines and attempting to explain this phenomena to you would be fruitless.



Rule # 3 –Any Place We want to Lounge Is Our Space (if It fits we sit)

a siamese cat and black and white cat sitting in a sinkThe female human often points to areas of the house saying things like, “Keep off the counter”, “You are not allowed on the dining room table”, blah, blah, blah.  We find this quite amusing and wonder when she’s ever going to give up this sham that we have boundaries.  I’ve included a few photos of us expressing to the humans that there is absolutely no place that is “off limits” to us. Siamese Cat in a baskekt









New furniture, old furniture or for that matter, any place in the house, belongs to the felines in residence. 


img_1123Sometimes the humans  will cruelly close doors in an attempt to keep us out of places. There is always a work around for this. The female human tries to keep me out of her downstairs office but thankfully she has glass doors so a pitiful expression and much howling always does the trick (if the door is not glass, no worries, just implement the howling).

I sincerely hope you, my feline friends, have found these rules helpful and that my human readers will finally come to the inevitable  conclusion that cats will lounge where cats want to lounge, it’s how we roll.

 Lounge On My Fearless Feline Friends,
File Apr 17, 3 51 06 PM

20 thoughts on “The Three Feline Rules Regarding Furniture

  1. Oh MeOW Alberto, ya’ll sure do have a nice sofa. Both are quite nice in fact. We don’t have any such seating arrangements in our home. And we do have a few feline off limits areas. Altho’ we gladly stay off the counters. Ya’ know, work goes on there. We don’t wanna work any more than we have too. MOL We find mommy’s lap is usually sufficient. And we do have a broken chair dat was given to us dat we sometimes use. And cuz it’s broken, mommy’s not even allowed on it. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

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  2. Pingback: Walk Through the Web Wednesday 4/19 | Feline Opines

  3. We have similar furniture rules at our house, too 🙂 I usually follow them until it comes time for bed and then cats and dogs have to be moved from my pillow–the rest of the time, though, I squeeze in wherever there’s room.

    Liked by 1 person

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